State Action Center

Learn how you can take action on state legislation impacting trans people around the country. Bill tracking and Action Alerts created in partnership with the National Center for Transgender Equality.


SB 1125

This bill requires commercial entities that publish material considered "harmful to minors" (people under 18) to verify that anyone accessing their site is 18 or older. This could be used to apply to trans content.

Action: Contact your Legislators!


SB 1511

Inhibit transition related insurance health care coverage and access for trans people. It also requires insurers to provide private patient information to government agencies, compromising patient privacy.

Action: Contact your Legislators!


SB 1005

This bill prohibits institutions of higher learning from holding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) trainings or activities around gender identity, sexual orientation, race, color, or ethnicity or spending money on DEI programs.

Action: Contact your Legislators!

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